Software Language Engineering Body of Knowledge

On this page we collect links to project related or useful to SLEBoK. If you have another one in mind, please tell us to add it. Have a look at SLEBoK-related events as well.

Modelling Program Verification Tools for Software Engineers: Program Verification Book of Knowledge
ProVerBtool classification and collection by Lathouwers and Zaytsev (2022)
An Innovative Framework to Integrate CIO Competencies Within the Business Technology Management Body of Knowledge
BTM BOKa business technology management BoK by Marc-André Leger et al. (2019)
Towards a Body of Knowledge for Model-Based Software Engineering
MBEBOKa body of knowledge for model-based software engineering (2018)
Software Languages: Syntax, Semantics, and Metaprogramming
Software Languagesa new book about software language engineering (2018)
GraSsa taxonomy of bad smells in grammars (2017)
DYOLa software language design toolkit (VZ, 2017)
The Cyber Security Body of Knowledge
CyBOKa cyber security body of knowledge (2017)
BibSLEIGHan interactive BibTeX browser and formatter (VZ, 2014)
(Un)Parsing<br/>in a broad sense
in a broad sensea bidirectional megamodel of (un)parsing in a broad sense (2014)
Yet another annotated SLEBOK bibliography
YABIBan annotated SLE bibliography presented by Ralf Lämmel at OOPSLE (2013)
Building a Body of Knowledge on Model Checking for Software Development
MCBOKa body of knowledge in model checking by Kenji Taguchi et al. (2013)
Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge
SEBoKthe systems engineering body of knowledge (2010), v.2.7 (2022)
Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge
DMBOKthe data management body of knowledge (2010), v.2 (2017)
SLPS Grammar Zoo
Grammar Zoocollection of extracted grammars in a broad sense (VZ, 2009)
Software Language Engineering Glossary
SLEGan SLE glossary (VZ ~2009), superseded by SLEBoK terms
SL Processing Suitelanguage processing approaches and techniques (VZ, RL, 2008–2012)
Body of Knowledge
Body of Knowledgean encyclopedic definition of “body of knowledge” (2007)
A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge, Third Edition
ABOKa guide to the automation engineering body of knowledge (2006), 3 ed. (2018)
Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge V3.0
SWEBOKa guide to the software engineering body of knowledge (2004), v.3 (2014)
Atlantic Metamodel Zoo
Atlantic Zooa repository of metamodels in various formats (2003)

This initiative involves many people. The website is maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev a.k.a. @grammarware. Last updated: November 2022.