PV2 PeSCo: Predicting Sequential Combinations of Verifiersgenerates the best fitting configuration for CPAchecker that fits previous experiences

PeSCo is a tool for predicting a (likely best) sequential combination of verifiers on a given verification task and then running it

Application domain/field

Type of tool

Meta-tool, predicts which combination of verifier configurations to use

Expected input


Expected output

In the console, or in an interactive HTML report, it reports whether the specification holds (result is TRUE) or not (result is FALSE). If the specification does not hold, a counterexample is also generated. It also generates visualizations of the program (e.g. abstract reachability tree), coverage information, and time statistics.


PeSCO uses machine learning to learn a ranking of verifiers on verification tasks. This ordering of verifiers is based on the SV-COMP scoring schema. It uses CPAchecker (with different configurations) as base verifiers. It uses MathSAT 5. PeSCo is integrated in CPAchecker.


Related papers

Last publication date

4 April 2019

ProVerB specific

ProVerB is a part of SLEBoK. Last updated: February 2023.