Grammar extracted by Vadim Zaytsev, see the Grammar Zoo entry for details: c/gnu/malton-dahn/extracted
Source used for this grammar: Andrew J. Malton, James R. Cordy, Christopher Dahn, TXL Base Grammar for ANSI and K+R C, with GNU C extensions and overrides to preserve comments, May 2004
, constant
, string
, expression
, constant_expression
, assignment_expression
, assignment_operation
, assignment_operator
, conditional_expression
, conditional_operation
, binary_expression
, binary_operator
, unary_expression
, sizeof_expression
, unary_operator
, postfix_expression
, reference
, reference_id
, reference_expression
, unannotated_reference_base
, nonreference
, nonreferential_primary
, postfix_extension
, declaration
, declaration_body
, decl_specifiers
, struct_or_union_specifier
, tagged_reference_id
, member_declaration
, member_declarator
, bitfieldsize
, decl_qualifier
, sc_specifier
, type_specifier
, type_qualifier
, simple_type_name
, type_id
, struct_or_union
, enum_specifier
, enumerator
, enumerator_value
, init_declarator
, declarator
, base_declarator
, declarator_extension
, function_declarator_extension
, array_declarator_extension
, ptr_operator
, cv_qualifier
, type_name
, type_specifiers
, abstract_declarator
, argument_declaration_list
, argument_declaration
, argument_declarator
, initialization
, initializer
, statement
, label
, label_id
, unlabeled_statement
, null_statement
, compound_statement
, compound_statement_body
, expression_statement
, if_statement
, switch_statement
, else_statement
, while_statement
, do_statement
, for_statement
, jump_statement
, declaration_or_function_definition
, function_definition
, KR_parameter_decls
, semi
, program
, preprocessor
, filepath
, file_id
, slash_fileid
, slash
, comment_NL
, null_declaration
, local_label
, ptr_qualifier
, restrict_qualifier
, designator
, array_designator
, struct_or_union_designator
, designator_assignment
, extension_specifier
, bit_qualifier
, inline_qualifier
, attributes_or_asm
, attribute_spec
, attribute_extension
, tagged_attribute_id
, tagged_attribute_number
, attribute_near
, attribute_far
, attribute_visibility
, visibility_type
, attribute_nonnull
, attribute_nothrow
, attribute_may_alias
, attribute_tls_model
, tls_model_type
, attribute_cleanup
, attribute_dllexport
, attribute_used
, attribute_always_inline
, attribute_noinline
, attribute_vector_size
, attribute_deprecated
, attribute_mode
, attribute_format
, attribute_format_arg
, attribute_aligned
, attribute_weak
, attribute_alias
, attribute_no_check_mem
, attribute_regparm
, attribute_stdcall
, attribute_cdecl
, attribute_longcall
, attribute_long_call
, attribute_short_call
, attribute_dllimport
, attribute_exception
, exception_function
, exception_arg
, attribute_funvector
, attribute_interrupt
, attribute_interrupt_handler
, attribute_sp_switch
, attribute_trap_exit
, attribute_eightbit
, attribute_tiny
, attribute_signal
, attribute_naked
, attribute_model
, attribute_model_name
, attribute_nocommon
, attribute_shared
, attribute_malloc
, format_archetype
, attribute_noreturn
, attribute_const
, attribute_pure
, attribute_trans_union
, attribute_unused
, attribute_packed
, attribute_no_instrument
, attribute_section
, attribute_constructor
, attribute_destructor
, asm_statement
, asm_spec
, asm_or_cv
, asm_template
, asm_output_operands
, asm_input_operands
, asm_operand
, asm_clobbered_registers
, compound_statement_expression
, compound_literal
, compound_literal_array_type
, compound_literal_array_declarator
, typeof_expression
, typeof_specifier
, complex_specifier
, simple_type_or_qualifier
, gnu_long_int
, gnu_long_int_string
, gnu_long_int_charlit
, hexfloat
, argument_expression
, alignof_expression
, designated_initializer
), 1 root (program
), 0 top (—), 17 bottom (comment
, key
, NL
39, SP
15, float
, long
6, hex
2, id
17, dotfloat
, EX
18, number
2, integernumber
3, stringlit
9, IN
19, charlit
5).C_compilation_unit ::=
constant ::= number float hex long SP dotfloat charlit string
constant ::=
hexfloatstring ::=
expression ::=
expression ::= comment_NL"..."
constant_expression ::= conditional_expression
constant_expression ::= restrict_qualifier
assignment_expression ::=
conditional_expression assignment_operation
assignment_expression ::= conditional_expression conditional_expression assignment_operation
assignment_operation ::= assignment_operator assignment_expression
assignment_operator ::= "=" "*=" "/=" "%=" "+=" "-=" ">>=" "<<=" "&=" "^=" "|="
conditional_expression ::=
binary_expression conditional_operation
conditional_expression ::=
binary_expression conditional_operation
conditional_operation ::= "?" expression ":" conditional_expression
conditional_operation ::= "?" expression ":" binary_expression
binary_expression ::= unary_expression binary_expression binary_operator unary_expression
binary_operator ::= "+" "-" "*" "/" "%" "==" "!=" "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "||" "&&" "|" "^" "&" "<<" ">>"
unary_expression ::= postfix_expression unary_operator SPOFF unary_expression SPON "(" type_name ")" unary_expression sizeof_expression
unary_expression ::= alignof_expression
sizeof_expression ::= "sizeof" "(" type_name ")" "sizeof" unary_expression
sizeof_expression ::= "sizeof" unary_expression "sizeof" "(" type_name ")"
unary_operator ::= "*" "&" "+" "-" "!" "~" "++" "--"
unary_operator ::=
postfix_expression ::= reference nonreference
reference ::= reference_id reference_expression
reference_id ::= id
reference_expression ::=
unannotated_reference_base postfix_extension
unannotated_reference_base ::= reference_id nonreferential_primary
nonreference ::=
nonreferential_primary postfix_extension
nonreferential_primary ::= constant string "(" expression ")"
nonreferential_primary ::= constant string "(" expression ")" compound_statement_expression compound_literal extension_specifier compound_statement_expression extension_specifier "(" expression ")"
postfix_extension ::= "[" expression "]" "(" expression ")" "." id "->" id "++" "--"
postfix_extension ::= "[" expression "]" "(" argument_expression "," ")" "." id "->" id "++" "--"
declaration ::= declaration_body semi preprocessor
declaration ::= comment_NL
declaration ::= null_declaration declaration_body semi preprocessor
declaration_body ::=
decl_specifiers init_declarator
struct_or_union_specifierdeclaration_body ::= decl_specifiers init_declaratordecl_qualifier struct_or_union_specifier decl_qualifier enum_specifier attribute_spec local_label declarator asm_spec
decl_specifiers ::= decl_qualifiertype_specifier decl_qualifier
decl_specifiers ::= decl_qualifiertype_specifier decl_qualifier decl_qualifier
struct_or_union_specifier ::= struct_or_union tagged_reference_id"{" IN NL member_declaration EX "}" struct_or_union tagged_reference_id
struct_or_union_specifier ::= struct_or_union attribute_spec"{" IN NL member_declaration EX "}" attribute_spec struct_or_union attribute_spec tagged_reference_idtagged_reference_id
tagged_reference_id ::= reference_id
member_declaration ::=
decl_specifiers member_declarator
preprocessormember_declaration ::= comment_NL
member_declaration ::= decl_specifiers member_declaratorsemi decl_qualifier struct_or_union_specifier semi semi preprocessor
member_declarator ::=
declarator bitfieldsize
bitfieldsizemember_declarator ::= declarator bitfieldsizeattributes_or_asm bitfieldsize
bitfieldsize ::=
":" constant_expression
decl_qualifier ::= sc_specifier cv_qualifier type_qualifier
decl_qualifier ::= sc_specifier type_qualifier attribute_spec extension_specifier
sc_specifier ::= "auto" "register" "static" "extern" "typedef"
type_specifier ::= simple_type_name enum_specifier struct_or_union_specifier
type_specifier ::= typeof_expression complex_specifier
type_qualifier ::= "long" "short" "signed" "unsigned"
type_qualifier ::= bit_qualifier inline_qualifier cv_qualifier restrict_qualifier
simple_type_name ::= "char" "int" "void" "float" "double" type_id
type_id ::= reference_id
struct_or_union ::= "struct" "union"
enum_specifier ::= "enum" tagged_reference_id "{" enumerator "," "}" "enum" tagged_reference_id
enum_specifier ::= "enum" tagged_reference_id "enum" tagged_reference_id "{" enumerator "," "," "}"
enumerator ::=
reference_id enumerator_value
enumerator_value ::=
"=" constant_expression
init_declarator ::=
declarator initialization
init_declarator ::= declarator initializationattributes_or_asm
declarator ::= ptr_operatorbase_declarator SPON declarator_extension
declarator ::= attribute_specptr_operator base_declarator declarator_extension attribute_spec
base_declarator ::= reference_id "(" declarator ")"
base_declarator ::= attribute_spec"(" declarator ")"reference_id attribute_spec
declarator_extension ::= function_declarator_extension array_declarator_extension
function_declarator_extension ::= "(" argument_declaration_list ")" cv_qualifier
array_declarator_extension ::= "[" constant_expression "]"
ptr_operator ::= "*" cv_qualifier SPOFF
ptr_operator ::= "*" ptr_qualifier
cv_qualifier ::= "const" "volatile"
cv_qualifier ::= "const" "volatile" "__const" "__const__" "const__" "__volatile__" "__volatile" "volatile__"
type_name ::=
type_specifiers abstract_declarator
type_specifiers ::= type_qualifiertype_specifier type_qualifier type_specifier type_qualifier
type_specifiers ::= type_qualifiertype_specifier type_qualifier type_qualifier
abstract_declarator ::= ptr_operator"(" abstract_declarator ")" declarator_extensiondeclarator_extension
abstract_declarator ::= ptr_operator"(" abstract_declarator ")" declarator_extensiondeclarator_extension array_declarator_extension
argument_declaration_list ::= ","argument_declaration
argument_declaration_list ::= "..." comment_NL
argument_declaration ::= decl_specifiers argument_declarator"..."
argument_declaration ::= comment_NL"..."
argument_declaration ::= "..." comment_NL
argument_declarator ::= declarator abstract_declarator
initialization ::= "=" initializer "(" constant_expression ")"
initialization ::= comment_NL"..."
initializer ::= expression NL "{" IN initializer "," "," EX "}"
initializer ::= comment_NL"..."
initializer ::= assignment_expression NL "{" IN designated_initializer "," "," EX "}"
statement ::=
preprocessorstatement ::= comment_NL
statement ::= label
label ::= label_id ":" EX SP SP "case" constant_expression ":" IN NL EX SP SP "default" ":" IN NL
label ::= label_id ":" attribute_spec EX SP SP "case" constant_expression ":" IN NL EX SP SP "case" constant_expression SP "..." SP constant_expression ":" IN NL EX SP SP "default" ":" IN NL
label_id ::= id
unlabeled_statement ::= expression_statement if_statement for_statement while_statement switch_statement do_statement null_statement jump_statement compound_statement
unlabeled_statement ::= asm_statement
null_statement ::= semi
compound_statement ::= "{" IN NL compound_statement_body "}" ";" NL
compound_statement ::= comment_NL"..."
compound_statement ::= "{" NL compound_statement_body "}" ";" NL
compound_statement_body ::=
declaration compound_statement_bodycompound_statement_body ::= IN declaration EX IN function_definition EX IN statement EX
expression_statement ::= expression semi
if_statement ::= "if" "(" expression ")" statement else_statement
if_statement ::= "if" "(" expression ")" comment_NL statement else_statement
switch_statement ::= "switch" "(" expression ")" statement
switch_statement ::= "switch" "(" expression ")" comment_NL statement
else_statement ::=
"else" statement
while_statement ::= "while" "(" expression ")" statement
do_statement ::= "do" statement "while" "(" expression ")" semi
for_statement ::= "for" "(" expression ";" expression ";" expression ")" statement
for_statement ::= "for" "(" declaration_body ";" expression ";" expression ")" statement
jump_statement ::= "goto" label_id semi "continue" semi "break" semi "return" expression semi
jump_statement ::=
"goto" ptr_operator expression semi
declaration_or_function_definition ::= declaration function_definition
function_definition ::=
NL decl_specifiers declarator KR_parameter_decls
compound_statement NLKR_parameter_decls ::=
NL IN declaration
EXsemi ::=
";" NL
program ::= C_compilation_unit
preprocessor ::= "#define" id "(" id ")" expression NL "#define" id expression NL EX "#else" IN NL EX "#endif" NL NL NL "#if" expression IN NL NL "#ifdef" id IN NL NL "#ifndef" id IN NL "#ident" stringlit NL "#include" stringlit NL "#include" "<" SPOFF filepath ">" SPON NL "#line" integernumber stringlit NL "#undef" id NL "#LINK" stringlit NL
preprocessor ::= EX "#endif" comment_NL NL "..."
preprocessor ::= "..." comment_NL
preprocessor ::= "#" integernumber string integernumber NL "#pragma" SPON id "(" id "," ")" NL
filepath ::=
file_id slash_fileid
file_id ::= id key
slash_fileid ::= slash file_id
slash ::= "/" "\" "." ":"
comment_NL ::= comment NL
null_declaration ::= semi
local_label ::=
ptr_qualifier ::= restrict_qualifier cv_qualifier
restrict_qualifier ::= "__restrict" "restrict__" "restrict" "__restrict__"
designator ::= array_designator struct_or_union_designator
array_designator ::= "[" constant_expression "]" postfix_extension "[" constant_expression SP "..." SP constant_expression "]" postfix_extension
struct_or_union_designator ::= "." id postfix_extension
designator_assignment ::= ":" "="
extension_specifier ::=
bit_qualifier ::= "long" "short" "signed" "unsigned" "__signed__" "__signed"
inline_qualifier ::= "__inline" "__inline__" "inline__" "inline"
attributes_or_asm ::= attribute_spec asm_spec
attribute_spec ::= "__attribute__" "('(" attribute_extension "," ")')"
attribute_extension ::= attribute_alias "(" string ")" attribute_aligned attribute_aligned "(" tagged_attribute_number ")" attribute_aligned "(" alignof_expression ")" attribute_always_inline attribute_cdecl attribute_cleanup "(" tagged_attribute_id ")" attribute_const attribute_constructor attribute_deprecated attribute_destructor attribute_dllexport attribute_dllimport attribute_eightbit attribute_exception "(" exception_function exception_arg "," ")" attribute_far attribute_funvector attribute_format "(" format_archetype "," tagged_attribute_number "," tagged_attribute_number ")" attribute_format_arg "(" tagged_attribute_number ")" attribute_interrupt attribute_interrupt "(" string ")" attribute_interrupt_handler attribute_interrupt_handler "(" string ")" attribute_longcall attribute_long_call attribute_malloc attribute_may_alias attribute_mode "(" tagged_attribute_id ")" attribute_model "(" attribute_model_name ")" attribute_naked attribute_near attribute_no_check_mem attribute_no_instrument attribute_nocommon attribute_noinline attribute_nonnull attribute_nonnull "(" tagged_attribute_number ")" attribute_noreturn attribute_nothrow attribute_packed attribute_pure attribute_regparm "(" tagged_attribute_number ")" attribute_section "(" string ")" attribute_shared attribute_short_call attribute_signal "(" string ")" attribute_sp_switch "(" string ")" attribute_stdcall attribute_tiny attribute_tls_model "(" tls_model_type ")" attribute_trans_union attribute_trap_exit "(" tagged_attribute_number ")" attribute_used attribute_unused attribute_vector_size "(" tagged_attribute_number ")" attribute_visibility "(" visibility_type ")" attribute_weak
tagged_attribute_id ::= id
tagged_attribute_number ::= number
attribute_near ::= "__near__" "__near" "near__" "near"
attribute_far ::= "__far__" "__far" "far__" "far"
attribute_visibility ::= "__visibility__" "__visibility" "visibility__" "visibility"
visibility_type ::= "default" "hidden" "protected" "internal"
attribute_nonnull ::= "__nonnull__" "__nonnull" "nonnull__" "nonnull"
attribute_nothrow ::= "__nothrow__" "__nothrow" "nothrow__" "nothrow"
attribute_may_alias ::= "__may_alias__" "__may_alias" "may_alias__" "may_alias"
attribute_tls_model ::= "__tls_model__" "__tls_model" "tls_model__" "tls_model"
tls_model_type ::= "global-dynamic" "local-dynamic" "initial-exec" "local-exec"
attribute_cleanup ::= "__cleanup__" "__cleanup" "cleanup__" "cleanup"
attribute_dllexport ::= "__dllexport__" "__dllexport" "dllexport__" "dllexport"
attribute_used ::= "__used__" "__used" "used__" "used"
attribute_always_inline ::= "__always_inline__" "__always_inline" "always_inline__" "always_inline"
attribute_noinline ::= "__noinline__" "__noinline" "noinline__" "noinline"
attribute_vector_size ::= "__vector_size__" "__vector_size" "vector_size__" "vector_size"
attribute_deprecated ::= "__deprecated__" "__deprecated" "deprecated__" "deprecated"
attribute_mode ::= "__mode__" "__mode" "mode__" "mode"
attribute_format ::= "__format__" "__format" "format__" "format"
attribute_format_arg ::= "__format_arg__" "__format_arg" "format_arg__" "format_arg"
attribute_aligned ::= "__aligned__" "__aligned" "aligned__" "aligned"
attribute_weak ::= "weak" "__weak__" "__weak" "weak__"
attribute_alias ::= "alias" "__alias__" "__alias" "alias__"
attribute_no_check_mem ::= "no_check_memory_usage" "__no_check_memory_usage__" "__no_check_memory_usage" "no_check_memory_usage__"
attribute_regparm ::= "regparm" "__regparm__" "__regparm" "regparm__"
attribute_stdcall ::= "stdcall" "__stdcall__" "__stdcall" "stdcall__"
attribute_cdecl ::= "cdecl" "__cdecl__" "__cdecl" "cdecl__"
attribute_longcall ::= "longcall" "__longcall__" "__longcall" "longcall__"
attribute_long_call ::= "long_call" "__long_call__" "__long_call" "long_call__"
attribute_short_call ::= "short_call" "__short_call__" "__short_call" "short_call__"
attribute_dllimport ::= "dllimport" "__dllimport__" "__dllimport" "dllimport__"
attribute_exception ::= "exception" "__exception__" "__exception" "exception__"
exception_function ::=
tagged_attribute_idexception_arg ::=
tagged_attribute_idattribute_funvector ::= "function_vector" "__function_vector__" "__function_vector" "function_vector__"
attribute_interrupt ::= "interrupt" "__interrupt__" "__interrupt" "interrupt__"
attribute_interrupt_handler ::= "interrupt_handler" "__interrupt_handler__" "__interrupt_handler" "interrupt_handler__"
attribute_sp_switch ::= "sp_switch" "__sp_switch__" "__sp_switch" "sp_switch__"
attribute_trap_exit ::= "trap_exit" "__trap_exit__" "__trap_exit" "trap_exit__"
attribute_eightbit ::= "eightbit_data" "__eightbit_data__" "__eightbit_data" "eightbit_data__"
attribute_tiny ::= "tiny_data" "__tiny_data__" "__tiny_data" "tiny_data__"
attribute_signal ::= "signal" "__signal__" "__signal" "signal__"
attribute_naked ::= "naked" "__naked__" "__naked" "naked__"
attribute_model ::= "model" "__model__" "__model" "model__"
attribute_model_name ::= "small" "__small__" "__small" "small__" "medium" "__medium__" "__medium" "medium__" "large" "__large__" "__large" "large__"
attribute_nocommon ::= "nocommon" "__nocommon__" "nocommon__" "__nocommon"
attribute_shared ::= "shared" "__shared__" "__shared" "shared__"
attribute_malloc ::= "malloc" "__malloc__" "__malloc" "malloc__"
format_archetype ::= "printf" "__printf__" "__printf" "printf__" "scanf" "__scanf__" "__scanf" "scanf__" "strftime" "__strftime__" "__strftime" "strftime__" "strfmon" "__strfmon__" "__strfmon" "strfmon__"
attribute_noreturn ::= "__noreturn__" "__noreturn" "noreturn__" "noreturn"
attribute_const ::= "__const__" "__const" "const__" "const"
attribute_pure ::= "__pure__" "__pure" "pure__" "pure"
attribute_trans_union ::= "__transparent_union__" "__transparent_union" "transparent_union__" "transparent_union"
attribute_unused ::= "__unused__" "__unused" "unused__" "unused"
attribute_packed ::= "__packed__" "__packed" "packed__" "packed"
attribute_no_instrument ::= "no_instrument_function" "__no_instrument_function__" "__no_instrument_function" "no_instrument_function__"
attribute_section ::= "section" "__section__" "__section" "section__"
attribute_constructor ::= "constructor" "__constructor__" "__constructor" "constructor__"
attribute_destructor ::= "destructor" "__destructor__" "__destructor" "destructor__"
asm_statement ::= asm_spec semi
asm_spec ::= asm_or_cv"(" asm_template asm_output_operands asm_input_operands asm_clobbered_registers ")"
asm_or_cv ::= "__asm__" "asm" "asm__" "__asm" cv_qualifier
asm_template ::= string
asm_output_operands ::= ":" asm_operand ","
asm_input_operands ::= ":" asm_operand ","
asm_operand ::= string "(" expression ")"
asm_clobbered_registers ::= ":" string ","
compound_statement_expression ::= "(" compound_statement ")"
compound_literal ::= "(" struct_or_union_specifier ")" "{" designated_initializer "," "," "}" "(" compound_literal_array_type ")" "{" designated_initializer "," "," "}" "(" compound_literal ")"
compound_literal_array_type ::= type_specifiers compound_literal_array_declarator
compound_literal_array_declarator ::= ptr_operator"(" compound_literal_array_declarator ")" array_declarator_extensionarray_declarator_extension
typeof_expression ::= typeof_specifier "(" simple_type_name ")" typeof_specifier "(" expression ")"
typeof_specifier ::= "__typeof" "typeof" "__typeof__" "typeof__"
complex_specifier ::= "_Complex" simple_type_or_qualifier
simple_type_or_qualifier ::= simple_type_name type_qualifier
gnu_long_int ::= gnu_long_int_string gnu_long_int_charlit
gnu_long_int_string ::=
"L" SPOFF string SPON
gnu_long_int_charlit ::=
"L" SPOFF charlit SPON
hexfloat ::= extension_specifier hex
argument_expression ::= assignment_expression type_name
alignof_expression ::= "__alignof__" "(" unary_expression ")" "__alignof" "(" unary_expression ")" "__alignof__" "(" type_name ")" "__alignof" "(" type_name ")"
designated_initializer ::= assignment_expression designator"{" IN designated_initializer "," "," EX "}"designator_assignment assignment_expression designator designator_assignment NL