Grammar extracted by Vadim Zaytsev, see the Grammar Zoo entry for details: markup/textual/atom/dettrick/extracted
Source used for this grammar: Tim Dettrick, RELAX NG XML Syntax Grammar for the Atom Format Specification Version 11, Converted from Relax NG Compact Syntax Grammar, as seen in RFC 4287, 2013-01-24 04:06:41 [GitHubGist]
, atomPlainTextConstruct
, atomXHTMLTextConstruct
, atomTextConstruct
, atomPersonConstruct
, atomDateConstruct
, atomFeed
, atomEntry
, atomInlineTextContent
, atomInlineXHTMLContent
, atomInlineOtherContent
, atomOutOfLineContent
, atomContent
, atomAuthor
, atomCategory
, atomContributor
, atomGenerator
, atomIcon
, atomId
, atomLogo
, atomLink
, atomPublished
, atomRights
, atomSource
, atomSubtitle
, atomSummary
, atomTitle
, atomUpdated
, atomNCName
, atomMediaType
, atomLanguageTag
, atomUri
, atomEmailAddress
, simpleExtensionElement
, structuredExtensionElement
, extensionElement
, undefinedAttribute
, undefinedContent
, anyElement
, anyForeignElement
, anyXHTML
, xhtmlDiv
), 2 root (atomFeed
, atomEntry
), 0 top (—), 0 bottom (—).[xml:base]
, [xml:lang]
, [type]
7, [atom:name]
, [atom:uri]
, [atom:email]
, [atom:feed]
, [atom:entry]
, [atom:content]
4, [src]
, [atom:author]
, [term]
, [scheme]
, [label]
, [atom:category]
, [atom:contributor]
, [uri]
, [version]
, [atom:generator]
, [atom:icon]
, [atom:id]
, [atom:logo]
, [href]
, [rel]
, [hreflang]
, [title]
, [length]
, [atom:link]
, [atom:published]
, [atom:rights]
, [atom:source]
, [atom:subtitle]
, [atom:summary]
, [atom:title]
, [atom:updated]
, [xhtml:div]
.atomCommonAttributes ::= [xml:base]::atomUri[xml:lang]::atomLanguageTag undefinedAttribute
atomPlainTextConstruct ::= atomCommonAttributes [type]::"text""html" string
atomXHTMLTextConstruct ::=
atomCommonAttributes [type]::"xhtml" xhtmlDiv
atomTextConstruct ::= atomPlainTextConstruct atomXHTMLTextConstruct
atomPersonConstruct ::= atomCommonAttributes [atom:name]::string [atom:uri]::atomUri[atom:email]::atomEmailAddress extensionElement
atomDateConstruct ::= atomCommonAttributes string
atomFeed ::= [atom:feed]::atomCommonAttributes atomAuthor atomCategory atomContributor atomGenerator atomIcon atomId atomLink atomLogo atomRights atomSubtitle atomTitle atomUpdated extensionElement atomEntry
atomEntry ::= [atom:entry]::atomCommonAttributes atomAuthor atomCategory atomContent atomContributor atomId atomLink atomPublished atomRights atomSource atomSummary atomTitle atomUpdated extensionElement
atomInlineTextContent ::= [atom:content]::"text""html" stringatomCommonAttributes [type]::
atomInlineXHTMLContent ::= [atom:content]::"xhtml" xhtmlDivatomCommonAttributes [type]::
atomInlineOtherContent ::= [atom:content]::atomCommonAttributes [type]::atomMediaType string anyElement
atomOutOfLineContent ::= [atom:content]::atomCommonAttributes [type]::atomMediaType [src]::atomUri
atomContent ::= atomInlineTextContent atomInlineXHTMLContent atomInlineOtherContent atomOutOfLineContent
atomAuthor ::= [atom:author]::atomPersonConstruct
atomCategory ::= [atom:category]::atomCommonAttributes [term]::string [scheme]::atomUri [label]::string undefinedContent
atomContributor ::= [atom:contributor]::atomPersonConstruct
atomGenerator ::= [atom:generator]::atomCommonAttributes [uri]::atomUri [version]::string string
atomIcon ::= [atom:icon]::atomCommonAttributes atomUri
atomId ::= [atom:id]::atomCommonAttributes atomUri
atomLogo ::= [atom:logo]::atomCommonAttributes atomUri
atomLink ::= [atom:link]::atomCommonAttributes [href]::atomUri [rel]:: atomNCName atomUri [type]::atomMediaType [hreflang]::atomLanguageTag [title]::string [length]::string undefinedContent
atomPublished ::= [atom:published]::atomDateConstruct
atomRights ::= [atom:rights]::atomTextConstruct
atomSource ::= [atom:source]::atomCommonAttributes atomAuthor atomCategory atomContributor atomGenerator atomIcon atomId atomLink atomLogo atomRights atomSubtitle atomTitle atomUpdated extensionElement
atomSubtitle ::= [atom:subtitle]::atomTextConstruct
atomSummary ::= [atom:summary]::atomTextConstruct
atomTitle ::= [atom:title]::atomTextConstruct
atomUpdated ::= [atom:updated]::atomDateConstruct
atomNCName ::= string
atomMediaType ::= string
atomLanguageTag ::= string
atomUri ::= string
atomEmailAddress ::= string
simpleExtensionElement ::= string
structuredExtensionElement ::= αstring anyElement α string anyElement string anyElement
extensionElement ::= simpleExtensionElement structuredExtensionElement
undefinedAttribute ::= α
undefinedContent ::=string anyForeignElement
anyElement ::=α string anyElement
anyForeignElement ::=α string anyElement
anyXHTML ::=α string anyXHTML
xhtmlDiv ::= [xhtml:div]::α string anyXHTML