Grammar extracted by Vadim Zaytsev, see the Grammar Zoo entry for details: ontoware/kdm/v1.0/atlas/extracted
Source used for this grammar: ATLAS Group, KM3 version auto-generated using ATL by the ATLAS Group (INRIA & LINA) from the Ecore version provided within the KDM Eclipse Plugin (KDM Analytics, Inc), KDM 1.0, KDM.ecore
, 2007/05/09
, ControlFlow
, Calls
, Creates
, Reads
, Writes
, CompliesTo
, Flow
, TrueFlow
, FalseFlow
, GuardedFlow
, UsesType
, Addresses
, ActionRelationship
, Throws
, Dispatches
, EntryFlow
, BlockUnit
, ExceptionUnit
, TryUnit
, FinallyUnit
, CatchUnit
, ExitFlow
, ExceptionFlow
, BuildResource
, BuildDescription
, SymbolicLink
, LinksTo
, Consumes
, BuildModel
, BuildComponent
, Supplier
, Tool
, BuildElement
, BuildRelationship
, SuppliedBy
, Library
, BuildStep
, Produces
, SupportedBy
, BuildProduct
, DescribedBy
, ControlElement
, MethodUnit
, Module
, CodeAssembly
, CallableUnit
, TemplateUnit
, TemplateParameter
, InstanceOf
, CompilationUnit
, CodeModel
, DerivedType
, ArrayType
, PrimitiveType
, BooleanType
, CharType
, ClassUnit
, CompositeType
, RecordType
, EnumeratedType
, Extends
, ScaledType
, FloatType
, HasType
, ImplementationOf
, Implements
, IntegerType
, InterfaceUnit
, PointerType
, TypeUnit
, RangeType
, Signature
, DataElement
, StringType
, ChoiceType
, NamespaceUnit
, VisibleIn
, CommentUnit
, SharedUnit
, DecimalType
, DateType
, TimeType
, MethodKind
, VoidType
, Value
, ValueList
, StorableUnit
, MemberUnit
, ParameterUnit
, ItemUnit
, IndexUnit
, SynonymType
, SequenceType
, BagType
, SetType
, CodeElement
, CodeRelationship
, ParameterKind
, ExportKind
, LanguageUnit
, OrdinalType
, BitstringType
, OctetType
, OctetstringType
, BitType
, StorableKind
, CallableKind
, Imports
, Package
, ParameterTo
, TemplateType
, PreprocessorDirective
, MacroDirective
, MacroUnit
, ConditionalDirective
, IncludeDirective
, MacroKind
, VariantTo
, Expands
, Redefines
, GeneratedFrom
, Includes
, HasValue
, ConceptualModel
, TermUnit
, ConceptualContainer
, FactUnit
, ConceptualRelationship
, BehaviorUnit
, RuleUnit
, ScenarioUnit
, ConceptualFlow
, ConceptualElement
, ConceptualRole
, AggregatedRelationship
, String
, Integer
, Boolean
, DataModel
, DataResource
, IndexElement
, UniqueKey
, Index
, KeyRelation
, ReferenceKey
, DataContainer
, Catalog
, RelationalSchema
, ColumnSet
, RelationalTable
, RelationalView
, RecordFile
, DataEvent
, XMLSchema
, ComplexContentType
, AllContent
, SeqContent
, ChoiceContent
, ContentItem
, GroupContent
, ContentRestriction
, SimpleContentType
, ExtendedDataElement
, DataRelationship
, MixedContent
, ContentReference
, DataAction
, ReadsColumnSet
, ContentAttribute
, TypedBy
, ReferenceTo
, RestrictionOf
, ExtensionTo
, DatatypeOf
, HasContent
, WritesColumnSet
, ProducesDataEvent
, DataSegment
, ContentElement
, ManagesData
, EventModel
, Event
, EventRelationship
, EventResource
, State
, Transition
, OnEntry
, OnExit
, EventAction
, ReadsState
, ProducesEvent
, ConsumesEvent
, NextState
, InitialState
, EventElement
, HasState
, SourceRef
, SourceRegion
, InventoryModel
, InventoryItem
, SourceFile
, Image
, ResourceDescription
, Configuration
, InventoryContainer
, Directory
, Project
, BinaryFile
, ExecutableFile
, DependsOn
, InventoryElement
, InventoryRelationship
, PlatformModel
, Requires
, ResourceType
, NamingResource
, MarshalledResource
, MessagingResource
, FileResource
, ExecutionResource
, PlatformAction
, ExternalActor
, DataManager
, BindsTo
, PlatformElement
, PlatformRelationship
, PlatformEvent
, LockResource
, DeployedSoftwareSystem
, Machine
, DeployedComponent
, DeployedResource
, Loads
, Spawns
, RuntimeResource
, Thread
, Process
, ReadsResource
, WritesResource
, ManagesResource
, DefinedBy
, StreamResource
, Subsystem
, Layer
, StructureModel
, Component
, SoftwareSystem
, StructureRelationship
, ArchitectureView
, StructureElement
, Audit
, Segment
, Attribute
, Annotation
, TagDefinition
, Stereotype
, ExtensionFamily
, TaggedRef
, TaggedValue
, UIResource
, UIDisplay
, Screen
, Report
, UIModel
, UILayout
, UIField
, DisplaysImage
, Displays
, UIFlow
, UIElement
, UIRelationship
, UIAction
, UIEvent
, ReadsUI
, WritesUI
, ManagesUI
), 0 root (—), 277 top (ActionElement
, ControlFlow
, Calls
, Creates
, Reads
, Writes
, CompliesTo
, Flow
, TrueFlow
, FalseFlow
, GuardedFlow
, UsesType
, Addresses
, ActionRelationship
, Throws
, Dispatches
, EntryFlow
, BlockUnit
, ExceptionUnit
, TryUnit
, FinallyUnit
, CatchUnit
, ExitFlow
, ExceptionFlow
, BuildResource
, BuildDescription
, SymbolicLink
, LinksTo
, Consumes
, BuildModel
, BuildComponent
, Supplier
, Tool
, BuildElement
, BuildRelationship
, SuppliedBy
, Library
, BuildStep
, Produces
, SupportedBy
, BuildProduct
, DescribedBy
, ControlElement
, MethodUnit
, Module
, CodeAssembly
, CallableUnit
, TemplateUnit
, TemplateParameter
, InstanceOf
, CompilationUnit
, CodeModel
, DerivedType
, ArrayType
, PrimitiveType
, BooleanType
, CharType
, ClassUnit
, CompositeType
, RecordType
, EnumeratedType
, Extends
, ScaledType
, FloatType
, HasType
, ImplementationOf
, Implements
, IntegerType
, InterfaceUnit
, PointerType
, TypeUnit
, RangeType
, Signature
, DataElement
, StringType
, ChoiceType
, NamespaceUnit
, VisibleIn
, CommentUnit
, SharedUnit
, DecimalType
, DateType
, TimeType
, MethodKind
, VoidType
, Value
, ValueList
, StorableUnit
, MemberUnit
, ParameterUnit
, ItemUnit
, IndexUnit
, SynonymType
, SequenceType
, BagType
, SetType
, CodeElement
, CodeRelationship
, ParameterKind
, ExportKind
, LanguageUnit
, OrdinalType
, BitstringType
, OctetType
, OctetstringType
, BitType
, StorableKind
, CallableKind
, Imports
, Package
, ParameterTo
, TemplateType
, PreprocessorDirective
, MacroDirective
, MacroUnit
, ConditionalDirective
, IncludeDirective
, MacroKind
, VariantTo
, Expands
, Redefines
, GeneratedFrom
, Includes
, HasValue
, ConceptualModel
, TermUnit
, ConceptualContainer
, FactUnit
, ConceptualRelationship
, BehaviorUnit
, RuleUnit
, ScenarioUnit
, ConceptualFlow
, ConceptualElement
, ConceptualRole
, AggregatedRelationship
, String
, Integer
, Boolean
, DataModel
, DataResource
, IndexElement
, UniqueKey
, Index
, KeyRelation
, ReferenceKey
, DataContainer
, Catalog
, RelationalSchema
, ColumnSet
, RelationalTable
, RelationalView
, RecordFile
, DataEvent
, XMLSchema
, ComplexContentType
, AllContent
, SeqContent
, ChoiceContent
, ContentItem
, GroupContent
, ContentRestriction
, SimpleContentType
, ExtendedDataElement
, DataRelationship
, MixedContent
, ContentReference
, DataAction
, ReadsColumnSet
, ContentAttribute
, TypedBy
, ReferenceTo
, RestrictionOf
, ExtensionTo
, DatatypeOf
, HasContent
, WritesColumnSet
, ProducesDataEvent
, DataSegment
, ContentElement
, ManagesData
, EventModel
, Event
, EventRelationship
, EventResource
, State
, Transition
, OnEntry
, OnExit
, EventAction
, ReadsState
, ProducesEvent
, ConsumesEvent
, NextState
, InitialState
, EventElement
, HasState
, SourceRef
, SourceRegion
, InventoryModel
, InventoryItem
, SourceFile
, Image
, ResourceDescription
, Configuration
, InventoryContainer
, Directory
, Project
, BinaryFile
, ExecutableFile
, DependsOn
, InventoryElement
, InventoryRelationship
, PlatformModel
, Requires
, ResourceType
, NamingResource
, MarshalledResource
, MessagingResource
, FileResource
, ExecutionResource
, PlatformAction
, ExternalActor
, DataManager
, BindsTo
, PlatformElement
, PlatformRelationship
, PlatformEvent
, LockResource
, DeployedSoftwareSystem
, Machine
, DeployedComponent
, DeployedResource
, Loads
, Spawns
, RuntimeResource
, Thread
, Process
, ReadsResource
, WritesResource
, ManagesResource
, DefinedBy
, StreamResource
, Subsystem
, Layer
, StructureModel
, Component
, SoftwareSystem
, StructureRelationship
, ArchitectureView
, StructureElement
, Audit
, Segment
, Attribute
, Annotation
, TagDefinition
, Stereotype
, ExtensionFamily
, TaggedRef
, TaggedValue
, UIResource
, UIDisplay
, Screen
, Report
, UIModel
, UILayout
, UIField
, DisplaysImage
, Displays
, UIFlow
, UIElement
, UIRelationship
, UIAction
, UIEvent
, ReadsUI
, WritesUI
, ManagesUI
), 69 bottom (code/MacroKind
, code/PreprocessorDirective
8, ui/UIResource
6, data/DataResource
, core/KDMRelationship
, event/State
2, code/ParameterKind
, platform/DeployedComponent
4, event/AbstractEventElement
4, build/Tool
, build/BuildStep
4, data/ReferenceKey
, code/ItemUnit
4, kdm/Segment
, core/Boolean
, code/IndexUnit
, code/StorableKind
, kdm/TagDefinition
, conceptual/ConceptualContainer
2, kdm/KDMModel
, code/DataElement
4, platform/DeployedResource
, code/ComputationalObject
, code/Value
, build/BuildDescription
, core/Integer
13, code/CallableKind
, code/Module
, action/ActionElement
37, kdm/Stereotype
, build/SymbolicLink
, code/ValueElement
, build/Supplier
, platform/AbstractPlatformElement
4, data/DataEvent
2, data/AbstractDataElement
4, conceptual/AbstractConceptualElement
4, ui/UIEvent
, code/AbstractCodeElement
9, source/SourceFile
, platform/PlatformEvent
, ui/AbstractUIElement
5, code/ParameterUnit
, code/ExportKind
2, platform/RuntimeResource
, data/AbstractContentElement
3, event/Transition
2, action/AbstractActionRelationship
, data/UniqueKey
, structure/AbstractStructureElement
2, source/Image
, data/ColumnSet
2, core/KDMEntity
13, data/ContentItem
3, action/EntryFlow
, source/SourceRef
, platform/ResourceType
6, source/SourceRegion
, core/ModelElement
, code/ControlElement
2, core/String
36, code/MethodKind
, source/AbstractInventoryElement
5, build/AbstractBuildElement
8, data/ComplexContentType
8, code/Datatype
9, event/Event
3, code/CodeItem
20, code/TemplateUnit
16, [codeElement]
10, [actionRelation]
, [to]
77, [from]
77, [implementation]
3, [groupedBuild]
, [buildElement]
2, [source]
, [text]
3, [type]
6, [entryFlow]
, [export]
2, [itemUnit]
3, [size]
5, [indexUnit]
, [isAbstract]
, [value]
4, [lower]
, [upper]
, [parameterUnit]
, [ext]
, [groupedCode]
2, [operator]
2, [destructor]
, [method]
, [abstract]
, [virtual]
, [unknown]
6, [constructor]
, [valueElement]
, [pos]
, [byReference]
, [exception]
, [return]
, [byValue]
, [catchall]
, [byName]
, [throws]
, [variadic]
, [private]
, [public]
, [protected]
, [final]
, [global]
, [external]
3, [static]
, [register]
, [local]
, [regular]
2, [stored]
, [option]
, [undefined]
, [conceptualElement]
3, [relation]
, [density]
, [dataElement]
3, [contentElement]
3, [eventElement]
3, [region]
, [language]
3, [snippet]
, [file]
, [startLine]
, [startPosition]
, [endLine]
, [endPosition]
, [path]
3, [inventoryElement]
2, [version]
, [encoding]
, [platformElement]
4, [groupedComponent]
, [deployedComponent]
, [deployedResource]
, [structureElement]
, [description]
, [author]
, [date]
, [segment]
, [model]
, [tag]
3, [name]
2, [stereotype]
, [reference]
, [UIElement]
3.ActionElement ::= [kind]::core/String [codeElement]::code/AbstractCodeElement[actionRelation]::action/AbstractActionRelationship
ControlFlow ::= [to]::action/ActionElement [from]::action/ActionElement
Calls ::= [to]::code/ControlElement [from]::action/ActionElement
Creates ::= [to]::code/Datatype [from]::action/ActionElement
Reads ::= [to]::code/DataElement [from]::action/ActionElement
Writes ::= [to]::code/DataElement [from]::action/ActionElement
CompliesTo ::= [to]::code/CodeItem [from]::action/ActionElement
Flow ::= ε
TrueFlow ::= ε
FalseFlow ::= ε
GuardedFlow ::= ε
UsesType ::= [to]::code/Datatype [from]::action/ActionElement
Addresses ::= [to]::code/ComputationalObject [from]::action/ActionElement
ActionRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::action/ActionElement
Throws ::= [to]::code/DataElement [from]::action/ActionElement
Dispatches ::= [to]::code/DataElement [from]::action/ActionElement
EntryFlow ::= [to]::action/ActionElement [from]::code/ControlElement
BlockUnit ::= ε
ExceptionUnit ::= ε
TryUnit ::= ε
FinallyUnit ::= ε
CatchUnit ::= ε
ExitFlow ::= [to]::action/ActionElement [from]::action/ActionElement
ExceptionFlow ::= [to]::action/ActionElement [from]::action/ActionElement
BuildResource ::= [implementation]::core/KDMEntity[groupedBuild]::build/AbstractBuildElement [buildElement]::build/AbstractBuildElement
BuildDescription ::=
[text]::core/StringSymbolicLink ::= ε
LinksTo ::= [to]::build/AbstractBuildElement [from]::build/SymbolicLink
Consumes ::= [to]::build/AbstractBuildElement [from]::build/BuildStep
BuildModel ::=
BuildComponent ::= ε
Supplier ::= ε
Tool ::= ε
BuildElement ::= ε
BuildRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::build/AbstractBuildElement
SuppliedBy ::= [to]::build/Supplier [from]::build/AbstractBuildElement
Library ::= ε
BuildStep ::= ε
Produces ::= [to]::build/AbstractBuildElement [from]::build/BuildStep
SupportedBy ::= [to]::build/Tool [from]::build/BuildStep
BuildProduct ::= ε
DescribedBy ::= [to]::build/BuildDescription [from]::build/BuildStep
ControlElement ::= [type]::code/Datatype [entryFlow]::action/EntryFlow[codeElement]::code/AbstractCodeElement
MethodUnit ::= [kind]::code/MethodKind [export]::code/ExportKind
Module ::=
CodeAssembly ::= ε
CallableUnit ::= [kind]::code/CallableKind
TemplateUnit ::=
TemplateParameter ::= ε
InstanceOf ::= [to]::code/TemplateUnit [from]::code/AbstractCodeElement
CompilationUnit ::= ε
CodeModel ::=
DerivedType ::= [itemUnit]::code/ItemUnit
ArrayType ::= [size]::core/Integer [indexUnit]::code/IndexUnit
PrimitiveType ::= ε
BooleanType ::= ε
CharType ::= ε
ClassUnit ::=
[isAbstract]::core/Boolean [codeElement]::code/CodeItem
CompositeType ::=
RecordType ::= ε
EnumeratedType ::=
Extends ::= [to]::code/Datatype [from]::code/Datatype
ScaledType ::= ε
FloatType ::= ε
HasType ::= [to]::code/Datatype [from]::code/CodeItem
ImplementationOf ::= [to]::code/CodeItem [from]::code/CodeItem
Implements ::= [to]::code/CodeItem [from]::code/CodeItem
IntegerType ::= ε
InterfaceUnit ::=
PointerType ::= ε
TypeUnit ::= ε
RangeType ::= [lower]::core/Integer [upper]::core/Integer
Signature ::=
DataElement ::=
[type]::code/Datatype [ext]::core/String [size]::core/Integer [codeElement]::code/Datatype
StringType ::= ε
ChoiceType ::= ε
NamespaceUnit ::=
VisibleIn ::= [to]::code/CodeItem [from]::code/CodeItem
CommentUnit ::= [text]::core/String
SharedUnit ::= ε
DecimalType ::= ε
DateType ::= ε
TimeType ::= ε
MethodKind ::= [operator]::ε [destructor]::ε [method]::ε [abstract]::ε [virtual]::ε [unknown]::ε [constructor]::ε
VoidType ::= ε
Value ::= ε
ValueList ::=
StorableUnit ::= [kind]::code/StorableKind
MemberUnit ::= [export]::code/ExportKind
ParameterUnit ::= [kind]::code/ParameterKind [pos]::core/Integer
ItemUnit ::= ε
IndexUnit ::= ε
SynonymType ::= ε
SequenceType ::= [size]::core/Integer
BagType ::= [size]::core/Integer
SetType ::= [size]::core/Integer
CodeElement ::= ε
CodeRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::code/CodeItem
ParameterKind ::= [byReference]::ε [unknown]::ε [exception]::ε [return]::ε [byValue]::ε [catchall]::ε [byName]::ε [throws]::ε [variadic]::ε
ExportKind ::= [private]::ε [unknown]::ε [public]::ε [protected]::ε [final]::ε
LanguageUnit ::= ε
OrdinalType ::= ε
BitstringType ::= ε
OctetType ::= ε
OctetstringType ::= ε
BitType ::= ε
StorableKind ::= [global]::ε [external]::ε [static]::ε [unknown]::ε [register]::ε [local]::ε
CallableKind ::= [external]::ε [regular]::ε [stored]::ε [operator]::ε [unknown]::ε
Imports ::= [to]::code/CodeItem [from]::code/CodeItem
Package ::= ε
ParameterTo ::= [to]::code/CodeItem [from]::code/AbstractCodeElement
TemplateType ::= ε
PreprocessorDirective ::=
MacroDirective ::= ε
MacroUnit ::= [kind]::code/MacroKind
ConditionalDirective ::= ε
IncludeDirective ::= ε
MacroKind ::= [external]::ε [unknown]::ε [option]::ε [undefined]::ε [regular]::ε
VariantTo ::= [to]::code/PreprocessorDirective [from]::code/PreprocessorDirective
Expands ::= [to]::code/PreprocessorDirective [from]::code/PreprocessorDirective
Redefines ::= [to]::code/PreprocessorDirective [from]::code/PreprocessorDirective
GeneratedFrom ::= [to]::code/PreprocessorDirective [from]::code/AbstractCodeElement
Includes ::= [to]::code/AbstractCodeElement [from]::code/PreprocessorDirective
HasValue ::= [to]::code/CodeItem [from]::code/CodeItem
ConceptualModel ::=
TermUnit ::= ε
ConceptualContainer ::=
FactUnit ::= ε
ConceptualRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::conceptual/AbstractConceptualElement
BehaviorUnit ::= ε
RuleUnit ::= ε
ScenarioUnit ::= ε
ConceptualFlow ::= [to]::conceptual/ConceptualContainer [from]::conceptual/ConceptualContainer
ConceptualElement ::= ε
ConceptualRole ::= [conceptualElement]::conceptual/AbstractConceptualElement
AggregatedRelationship ::=
[from]::core/KDMEntity [to]::core/KDMEntity [relation]::core/KDMRelationship
[density]::core/IntegerString ::= string
Integer ::= integer
Boolean ::= "true" "false"
DataModel ::=
DataResource ::= ε
IndexElement ::=
UniqueKey ::= ε
Index ::= ε
KeyRelation ::= [to]::data/UniqueKey [from]::data/ReferenceKey
ReferenceKey ::= ε
DataContainer ::=
Catalog ::= ε
RelationalSchema ::=
ColumnSet ::=
RelationalTable ::= ε
RelationalView ::= ε
RecordFile ::= ε
DataEvent ::= [kind]::core/String
XMLSchema ::=
ComplexContentType ::=
AllContent ::= ε
SeqContent ::= ε
ChoiceContent ::= ε
ContentItem ::=
[type]::data/ComplexContentType [contentElement]::data/AbstractContentElement
GroupContent ::= ε
ContentRestriction ::= [kind]::core/String [value]::core/String
SimpleContentType ::=
[kind]::core/StringExtendedDataElement ::= ε
DataRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::data/AbstractDataElement
MixedContent ::= ε
ContentReference ::= ε
DataAction ::= [kind]::core/String [implementation]::action/ActionElement[dataElement]::data/DataEvent
ReadsColumnSet ::= [to]::data/ColumnSet [from]::action/ActionElement
ContentAttribute ::= ε
TypedBy ::= [to]::data/ComplexContentType [from]::data/ContentItem
ReferenceTo ::= [to]::data/ContentItem [from]::data/ContentItem
RestrictionOf ::= [to]::data/ComplexContentType [from]::data/ComplexContentType
ExtensionTo ::= [to]::data/ComplexContentType [from]::data/ComplexContentType
DatatypeOf ::= [to]::code/Datatype [from]::data/ComplexContentType
HasContent ::= [to]::data/AbstractDataElement [from]::action/ActionElement
WritesColumnSet ::= [to]::data/ColumnSet [from]::action/ActionElement
ProducesDataEvent ::= [to]::data/DataEvent [from]::action/ActionElement
DataSegment ::= ε
ContentElement ::= ε
ManagesData ::= [to]::data/AbstractDataElement [from]::action/ActionElement
EventModel ::=
Event ::= [kind]::core/String
EventRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::event/AbstractEventElement
EventResource ::=
State ::= ε
Transition ::= ε
OnEntry ::= ε
OnExit ::= ε
EventAction ::=
[kind]::core/String [eventElement]::event/Event
ReadsState ::= [to]::event/State [from]::action/ActionElement
ProducesEvent ::= [to]::event/Event [from]::action/ActionElement
ConsumesEvent ::= [to]::event/Event [from]::event/Transition
NextState ::= [to]::event/State [from]::event/Transition
InitialState ::= ε
EventElement ::= ε
HasState ::= [to]::event/AbstractEventElement [from]::action/ActionElement
SourceRef ::=
[language]::core/String [snippet]::core/StringSourceRegion ::= [file]::source/SourceFile [startLine]::core/Integer [startPosition]::core/Integer [endLine]::core/Integer [endPosition]::core/Integer [language]::core/String [path]::core/String
InventoryModel ::=
InventoryItem ::= [version]::core/String [path]::core/String
SourceFile ::= [language]::core/String [encoding]::core/String
Image ::= ε
ResourceDescription ::= ε
Configuration ::= ε
InventoryContainer ::=
Directory ::= [path]::core/String
Project ::= ε
BinaryFile ::= ε
ExecutableFile ::= ε
DependsOn ::= [to]::source/AbstractInventoryElement [from]::source/AbstractInventoryElement
InventoryElement ::= ε
InventoryRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::source/AbstractInventoryElement
PlatformModel ::=
Requires ::= [to]::platform/AbstractPlatformElement [from]::platform/DeployedComponent
ResourceType ::=
NamingResource ::= ε
MarshalledResource ::= ε
MessagingResource ::= ε
FileResource ::= ε
ExecutionResource ::= ε
PlatformAction ::=
[kind]::core/String [platformElement]::platform/PlatformEvent
ExternalActor ::= ε
DataManager ::= ε
BindsTo ::= [to]::platform/ResourceType [from]::platform/ResourceType
PlatformElement ::= ε
PlatformRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::platform/AbstractPlatformElement
PlatformEvent ::= [kind]::core/String
LockResource ::= ε
DeployedSoftwareSystem ::=
Machine ::= [deployedComponent]::platform/DeployedComponent[deployedResource]::platform/DeployedResource
DeployedComponent ::=
DeployedResource ::=
Loads ::= [to]::platform/DeployedComponent [from]::action/ActionElement
Spawns ::= [to]::platform/RuntimeResource [from]::action/ActionElement
RuntimeResource ::= ε
Thread ::= ε
Process ::= ε
ReadsResource ::= [to]::platform/ResourceType [from]::action/ActionElement
WritesResource ::= [to]::platform/ResourceType [from]::action/ActionElement
ManagesResource ::= [to]::platform/ResourceType [from]::action/ActionElement
DefinedBy ::= [to]::code/CodeItem [from]::action/ActionElement
StreamResource ::= ε
Subsystem ::= ε
Layer ::= ε
StructureModel ::=
Component ::= ε
SoftwareSystem ::= ε
StructureRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::structure/AbstractStructureElement
ArchitectureView ::= ε
StructureElement ::= ε
Audit ::= [description]::core/String [author]::core/String [date]::core/String
Segment ::= [segment]::kdm/Segment[model]::kdm/KDMModel
Attribute ::= [tag]::core/String [value]::core/String
Annotation ::= [text]::core/String
TagDefinition ::= [tag]::core/String [type]::core/String
Stereotype ::=
[name]::core/String [type]::core/StringExtensionFamily ::=
[name]::core/StringTaggedRef ::= [reference]::core/ModelElement
TaggedValue ::= [value]::core/String
UIResource ::=
UIDisplay ::= ε
Screen ::= ε
Report ::= ε
UIModel ::=
UILayout ::= [to]::ui/UIResource [from]::ui/UIResource
UIField ::= ε
DisplaysImage ::= [to]::source/Image [from]::action/ActionElement
Displays ::= [to]::ui/UIResource [from]::action/ActionElement
UIFlow ::= [to]::ui/AbstractUIElement [from]::ui/AbstractUIElement
UIElement ::= ε
UIRelationship ::= [to]::core/KDMEntity [from]::ui/AbstractUIElement
UIAction ::=
[kind]::core/String [UIElement]::ui/UIEvent
UIEvent ::= [kind]::core/String
ReadsUI ::= [to]::ui/UIResource [from]::action/ActionElement
WritesUI ::= [to]::ui/UIResource [from]::action/ActionElement
ManagesUI ::= [to]::ui/UIResource [from]::action/ActionElement