Vadim Zaytsev aka @grammarware

Pratt/Zelkowitz's book DYOL: Design Your Own Language

Book sourcesLanguage Implementation — Pratt/Zelkowitz

T. W. Pratt, M. V. Zelkowitz, Programming Languages: Design and Implementation, Prentice-Hall, 2001.

	title     = "{Programming Languages: Design and Implementation}",
	author    = "Terrence W. Pratt and Marvin V. Zelkowitz",
	publisher = "Prentice-Hall",
	edition   = "Fourth",
	isbn      = "978-0130276780",
	year      = 2001,

LI-PZ is structured top-down from the programming language concepts towards reviews of existing languages.

NB: marking was done with the Russian translation of the book, so page numbers may be slightly different!

	title     = "{Языки программирования: разработка и реализация}",
	author    = "Терренс Пратт and Марвин В. Зелковиц",
	series    = "Классика Computer Science",
	publisher = "Питер",
	edition   = "4-е",
	isbn      = "5-318-00189-0",
	year      = 2002,


The DYOL toolkit was created and is maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev a.k.a. @grammarware. Page last updated in March 2021.