PV2 Cervinotransforms first order LTL formulae to Electrum models

Tool to translate a typical First-Order Linear Temporal Logic (FOLTL) specification into two of its decidable fragments.

Application domain/field

Type of tool

Specification translator?

Expected input


Cervino file

Expected output

If the process is automated with the -s option, then it will report either SAT or UNSAT. Otherwise, it generates a file output.als which can be analyzed with the Electrum Analyzer.


The tool takes a Cervino specification as input and generates Electrum models which are given to the Electrum Analyzer, which calls a complete procedure in nuXmv.


Cervino seems to be both a name for the modelling language and for the tool.


Related papers

Sound Verification Procedures for Temporal Properties of Infinite-State Systems (CAV '21)

Last publication date

15 July 2021

ProVerB specific

ProVerB is a part of SLEBoK. Last updated: February 2023.