PV1 iRankFinderinfers ranking functions for loops

Tool for inferring linear, lexicographic-linear and multiphase-linear ranking functions for multipath linear-constraint loops, with variables ranging over the rationals, reals, or integers.

Application domain/field

Type of tool

Termination analyzer? Ranking function finder?

Expected input


.mlc file (own syntax)

Expected output

Ranking function


This tool extends RankFinder by adding integers. Ranking function: a function f that maps program states into elements of a well-founded ordered set, such that f(s)>f(s) holds whenever s follows state s. This implies termination since infinite descent in a well-founded order is impossible.


Related papers

Last publication date

13 July 2017

ProVerB specific

ProVerB is a part of SLEBoK. Last updated: February 2023.