PV3 ⊧ Marabouchecks user-specified properties of deep neural networks
Framework for verifying deep neural networks based on SMT solving.Application domain/field
- Deep neural networks
- Neural network verification
Type of tool
Neural network verifierExpected input
- Neural network
- Property that should be checked
- Neural network: Tensorflow format (.pb file), .nnet format, .onnx file,
- Property: inequality over input and output variables or via the Python interface
Expected output
indicating whether the network satisfies the property. If it does not satisfy the property then it will provide a counter-example (concrete input) for which the property is violated.
Marabou converts queries about a network into a constraint satisfaction problem. Marabou supports fully connected feed-forward and convolutional neural networks with piece-wise linear activation functions. The property/query that should be checked can be one of two types:- Reachability queries: if the input is in a given range, the output will be guaranteed to be in some, typically safe, range.
- Robustness queries: test whether there exist adversarial points around a given input point that change the output of the network.