PV1 Oinksolves a parity game

Application domain/field

Type of tool

Parity game solver

Expected input

Parity game


PGSolver format The file may be zipped using gzip (.gz) or bzip2 (.bz2).

Expected output

Solution to the parity game (i.e. who is the winner of the game starting from the initial vertex)


This tool implements several algorithms for solving parity games. The tool also provides a few options to transform parity games (e.g. removing self-loops) and it can generate a .dot graph of a parity game. Uses the Lace work-stealing framework.


Repository: https://www.github.com/trolando/oink

Related papers

Last publication date

18 July 2018

ProVerB specific

ProVerB is a part of SLEBoK. Last updated: February 2023.