PV1 Rabinizercan translate LTL formulae into different types of automata

A tool set for translating formulae of LTL to different types of deterministic ω-automata.

Application domain/field

Type of tool

Automata translator

Expected input

LTL formula


Same format as Owl, described in detail here: https://gitlab.lrz.de/i7/owl/blob/master/doc/FORMATS.md

Expected output

Automata that corresponds to the LTL formula.


As of Rabinizer 4, it can translate an LTL formula into one of the following type of automata: It is also linked to PRISM to allow for probabilistic verification of some automata.


Bundled with Owl, a tool collection and library for Omega-words, 𝜔-automata and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). https://owl.model.in.tum.de/
Automaton LTL


Related papers

Rabinizer 4: From LTL to Your Favourite Deterministic Automaton (CAV 2018)

Last publication date

18 July 2018

ProVerB specific

ProVerB is a part of SLEBoK. Last updated: February 2023.