PV2 SceneCheckertransforms scenarios for hybrid control systems to reachability problems, requires an external solver

Tool for verifying scenarios involving vehicles executing complex plans in large cluttered workspaces.

Application domain/field

Expected input


Expected output

safe in case the reachset of automaton H does not intersect with the unsafe set. unknown otherwise. It also gives some performance metrics and it can visualize various computed reachsets.


Scenario verification: check that a vehicle or an agent can safely execute a plan through a complex environment Tool for verifying scenarios involving vehicles executing complex plans in large cluttered workspaces. It converts the scenario verification problem to a standard hybrid system verification problem, and solves it by exploiting structural properties in the plan and vehicle dynamics. It uses reachability tools for verification. Uses Flow*, DryVR for reachability analysis.
Hybrid system


Related papers

SceneChecker: Boosting Scenario Verification Using Symmetry Abstractions (CAV '21)

Last publication date

15 July 2021

Related tools

Compared to in CAV '21 paper: DryVR, Flow*

ProVerB specific

ProVerB is a part of SLEBoK. Last updated: February 2023.