PV2 UDDERgenerates a bounded version of the given unbounded verification problem

Reduces the unbounded verification problem of Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) to a bounded problem.

Application domain/field


They focus on verifying safety properties of delayed dynamical systems encoded by Delay Differential Equations (DDEs), where safety properties pertain to an infinite domain. They present a quantitative method to construct estimations. This reduces the temporally unbounded verification problem to a bounded one. Implemented in Wolfram Mathematica. Uses DDE-BIFTOOL.


It is called a "prototypical implementation" in the CAV '19 paper.


Related papers

Taming Delays in Dynamical Systems (CAV 2019)

Last publication date

12 July 2019

ProVerB specific

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ProVerB is a part of SLEBoK. Last updated: February 2023.